Monday, August 7, 2017

Callanish Stone Arrangement

My startup page is Bing and on the 27th of June in 2017 they featured an image of the Callanish stones on their startup page image. Since my interest is in large stone structures, I began looking into history of the Scotland arrangement.


The first step was to Wikipedia where a very good map was found apparently drawn in the late 1800s by Sir Henry James and quoted in the book by James Fergusson.  If you go to the page and click on more detail, you will get the description below.

English: Simple plan of the Callanish Stones (Callanish I), on Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Based on that in James Fergusson (1872) Rude Stone Monuments in All Countries: Their Age and Uses page 259. The original was apparently drawn by Henry James, but he made some mistakes (such as the alignment of the central tomb), so I've made some small adjustments to bring this plan up-to-date.

While the stones are all stuck in the earth like tuning forks in a resonance chamber, whatever human physical benefit could result would be far beyond our current understanding of acoustically manipulated earth born vibrations, seismic or otherwise. The issue discussed here is what message the geometry might send to us via dimensional and geometric analysis.

This image is far more precise than one could possibly expect from first glance. What really caught my attention was when I went to Google Earth and noted on the 12/30/2005 and 5/23/2008 scans that the latitude of the area was 58.197xxxxx where 100/1.71828= 58.197x. Since a lot of the effort I have been doing for the last couple decades has involved a=1.71828, I imported the image above into a CAD system and started looking at relationships and potential design intent.

When the image above is zoomed up in the CAD system, the dark dots turn out to be elliptical and are a fairly good representation of the stone cross-section at the elevation where they penetrate the soil.  Even the orientation is quite accurate and is proven in photographs of today. Certainly Sir James did a fine job of surveying with the equipment of the era.

Design intent is separated from random arrangement or religious ceremony aspects when mathematical relationships begin to appear that cannot happen randomly or without intentional placement. Arrangements that would require surveying would leave many readers standing in the cold considering the age the stones are thought to have been constructed to their current distribution at Callanish.

When the centers of four stones are all in a precise line and only with the center of the elliptical shape at ground level, one knows that even Sir James had no idea where the center was. He simply measured to the edges of the stones and then put that “footprint” into his drawing, having no idea the stones were in a precise center to center alignment. Even today with photographs the alignment of centers would not be detectible in a precise manner.  It can only be done in the manner that is done here.

The two rows emanating from the circular stones and heading nearly north are begging to have lines drawn right to left thru them so that they intersect west of the rows. The CAD drawing gets horribly cluttered as all the relationships develop, so the start will be only some obvious features.

Sir James may have drawn the ellipses representing the stones by hand and suspected that more than two lines might have a common apex, but he would have never thought to make all the connections that can be seen below. Try to imagine the builders who placed the huge stones and had no idea (we think) where the center was, or did they? The center can be found fairly easily by wrapping the stone with say plaster of Paris, let it harden, break it off and then put it back together again outside of the stone. That elliptical shaped plaster of Paris ring could be used to position the stone if you knew that is what you wanted.

One might envision that somebody was offering to pay big money to build this section of the arrangement.  Can it be done? Probably not without a lot more information.

The procedure used here was to first draw the line from right to left using the centers of two stones. Then using the drag and intercept method, the intersections were all found. Even with the precision of the CAD system, these were off a common center a tiny amount.  A new circle was created using the three intersections and then the center of that circle used as the average center and the lines drawn back to the far right stone. The amount the line missed the left stone was smaller than the precision of the stone elliptical shape.

Using Google Earth and the 10 meter scale at the bottom right from the Sir James image, the close approximate lengths could be found and entered into a spreadsheet. The error in lengths can be avoided by using dimensionless ratios.  For example, the left portion of the line from apex to the first stone divided by the distance between stones. A very common dimensionless ratio is called the conjugate ratio such as (a+b) / (a-b). If one is lucky, something will provide assurance that the scale is pretty close.

Since the latitude uses a=1.71828, it would make sense to check multiples of “a” and repeated use of phi. The spread sheet shows several other relationships that indicate this is the right understanding of the design intent.

As just one of many examples, the chart below shows the top and second from bottom lengths for the blue 4 line apex.  Using the exact same difference as above, yields a very common number and fundamental to understanding how matter is related. Fundamental constants as published in the US Codata series changes slightly every few years, but never a serious amount.  It could be these fundamental mathematical numbers are the center of the movement and under differing circumstances, return to older values.

I would never consider anything as meaningful if it were not to at least 5 digits of accuracy.  Five digits is a 1 in 100,000 chance of being random. Repeated use in differing situations further decreases the probability of random occurrence.

The number 1.3125 comes from the ratio of the Rydberg arrangement of the primary quantum numbers of (1-1/64) / (1-1/4).

The dimensionless ratios of the lines have enumerable relationships with 5 digits of precision. But the sum of the four lines is the square root of 10 x 20 = 632.456 leading one to believe the total of lines in a group should always be checked.

In my decades of experience with manufacturing engineering, I am constantly reminded how difficult it is for mankind to repeatedly make the same thing with any serious precision.  Ball and roller bearings are items we really need to be precise, but making them comparable to 0.0001 inch becomes expensive.  A typical race car engine costing $100k or more simply has bearings and other precise elements that are a factor of ten more precise than the more common household automobile engine.

The folks who are responsible for coordinating the world’s definition of constants, say for example Planck’s constant, change the value in the 7th digit or more every decade or less. The mass sequence of the neutron, proton and electron change say from 1.67492716 around the year 2000 to 1.67492747 in use in 2017. This means that for six digits, the mass has remained the same sequence for extended periods. Even utilizing precise robotic machining methods, we have trouble drilling holes on spaces more precise than 1/10,000 inch. To solve the problem, we simply drill the holes a little oversize and that allows pieces to be bolted together without a lot of field adjustments.

The general populace doesn’t likely understand that even welding causes pieces to move when the liquid metal freezes.  Any holes in weldments are generally put in after the welding is completed.

Yet our education system fails to even make comment on how “mother nature” makes items separated by galaxies the very precision we commonly accept as “normal”. We rely on the wavelength measurements of light from distant stars and planets to understand what material those bodies are made of. But we seldom question “why mother nature is so precise” when we are unable to even approach that level of precision.

So if the reader is a bit confused as to why the humbly measured neutron / electron ratio is 1838.683xxxx compared to the simple number 1.3125 yields with the same number sequence, welcome to the foolishness of mankind. There is obviously some procedure that Mother Nature uses to assemble the elements and molecules, as well as the electrons that make the whole thing tick like clockwork. The organic molecules are at an even higher level of complexity.

The question posed is “Does the creative force use numerical sequencing to achieve the precision we see in Mother Nature?”  It seems that the Callanish Stones addresses that issue.

2.0625 is used widely in Egyptian structures

(20625/144)^(1/2) / 8 x 10^(10)  =              149,597,985.5869

Product of the six primary quantum numbers is

[(1/4-1/81) x (1/4-1/64) x (1/4-1/49) x (1/4-1/36) x (1/4-1/25) x (1/4-1/16) x 2 ]^(1/2)

                                    X 10^(10)    =             149,597,985.5869

Decades ago the astronomical unit was defined by 149,597,870.691

The actual distance in the 2000 epoch was               149,598,022.951

It does not appear the earth to sun distance is all that random of number.

The Blue Triangle

At the very top of the Sir James image above from the CAD system, one sees a blue triangle. After drawing in the lines and obtaining the apex, the lower angle was found to be 38.71 degrees.  The angle at the apex was found to be 52.384 and the sum of the two was 91.094 which is amazingly close to 91.09383, the sequential digits of the electron mass. At this stage of development, most people would certify you as crazy for thinking the ancients knew the mass of an electron. But alien advanced intelligence is not the only source of such intelligence. Autistic folks have been fooling around with numbers using some techniques that even they don’t “understand” in the conventional sense.

As it often turns out in these types of issues, taking the reciprocal of cos (91.094) =         -52.3759 and the tan(91.094) = 52.366377. Both of these numbers are somewhat close to the apex angle of 52.3854 This suggests there might be a solution to the following equation.

                                          Nsolve({x-1/cos(x) +38.7097916 = 180})

but, for example, Microsoft Mathematics acclaims the solution is too complex for it to solve. A pity, particular considering it is easily solved by trial and error which the computer does with ease.

The graphic below shows the research starting point using an older mass of the electron at 91.0938188 (1998 Codata) and how using the 1/cos(larger angle) gives very similar numbers and back calculates to the most recent electron mass at 91.0938305.(2014 data)

The number 38.707916 is the 2000 Epoch values for the semi-major dimensionless axis for the Planet Mercury and is arbitrarily assigned to the bottom angle of the blue triangle. The left apex angle is arbitrarily assigned the mass sequence of the electron mass less the bottom angle or 91.0938188 – 38.707916 = 52.3840271. Subtracting from 180 totals for a triangle leaves the top angle at 88.9061813.

The trial and error solution is:

88.906169489 for the top angle

52.384038899 for the left apex angle which is 1/cos(top angle)

38.7097916 for the bottom angle as the only input to the equation.

This then yields 91.0938305 as the sum for the mass of the electron as it currently is listed in the 2014 Codata.

It was then noted that (91.0938305 – 90)^(1/8) x 16 = 16.18038 which is remarkably close to phi x 10.

Given that one could be certified insane for thinking the electron mass has anything to do with the planet Mercury semi-major axis, one wonders why on earth might this scheme show up in stones thought to be placed thousands of years ago.

Working backwards from the 10 phi outcome, one reaches (16.18033989/16)^(8) = 1.093808417 plus 90 leaves the apparent sequence of mass of the electron at 91.093808417. Checking the published mass of the electron from 1969 to current 2014 it was never this value, although being fairly close in 1998 at 91.0938188. Perhaps then the idea is to use the mass of the electron as a time clock and indicate that when that happens, something important is going to happen, such as the return of a destructive comet or asteroid. What else could be so important to make such a complex and intensive effort creating the Stones of Callanish?

Of course, the use of phi to find the change from 90 degrees has nothing to do with the electron mass.  Perhaps it is just an accident that the change from 90 plus the 90 happens to be the electron mass sequence of numbers.  We need more information and it comes easily in the dimensional lengths of the triangle.

Continuing to use the scale factor developed in several areas, we find the hypotenuse at 124.08104211, the short leg at 77.61145102 and the long leg at 98.30492768. The sum of these three is 299.997420817 and dividing by 2 yields 149.99871. It was noted this was quite similar to the 1.499964 which is the ratio of the natural logs of the dimensionless Mercury semi-axis and dimensionless Mercury orbital period. If the scale factor was changed to make this exact, it would have an immeasurably small impact on other dimensions and no impact on dimensionless ratios.

The number 1.499964 is part of a series of numbers for each of the planets that essentially reflect Kepler’s Third law relating the ratio of the powers of distance to period of orbit. In Kepler’s time, much more was known about the inner four planets than the outer gas giants. Also it depends on one’s point of view if 1.4979 for Uranus is close enough to 1.5 to fall under the same law.  Most of the work of the Kepler days was a two body sun and planet system and not the modern day computer models that consider all planets collectively. And further, it is now known that the Titius-Bode Law is much more accurate by eliminating Neptune and Pluto which are actually heavily impacted by the Kuiper Belt. The chart below shows the ratio for each planet.

It seems relatively certain that the plans and construction execution of the Callanish Stones was very accurately completed. There is serious doubt whether the plan could be executed in modern times using modern equipment.

The conclusion alternatives that can be drawn from the Callanish Stones is 1) the stones were placed by assistance from advanced civilizations originating on other systems; or 2) the stones were placed with assistance from probably only a few who could make contact with their normally subconscious minds and had no idea what they were doing. The balance of this effort will be to simply publish what has been found and little about why it was done or who might have done it.

The Central Stones of Callanish

The partial image below shows just how overall accurate the diagram is.  From the centerline of the stone at the bottom of green dashed line to the apex of the blue triangle now marked in green is 161.8055 feet which differs from 161.8033989 by 0.025 inch, far more precise than should be expected and perhaps to some degree accidental.

However, it appears to call attention to the builder’s infatuation with the use of phi. The green dashed line is exactly due north according to the Sir James diagram though there is some doubt as to whether he got north right or not. Note too that the green dashed line just touches the two stones to the north like they were trying to indicate you should sight thru that area.

The repeated use of calculations of phi suggests the builders had some fantastic calculating technology in order to work out this elaborate connectivity with phi. However, Mother Nature seems to work phi into things like sea shells with amazing detail.

The Use of Circles

The central circular area of the structure has many complexities. One feature is the use of three point circles to show that the centers are in alignment. One can see that a line starting at the center of the outer red circle goes northerly to align with the east row of stones. A line from the center most and largest stone goes up the western row of stones. The angle between the two rows if shown precisely “a” x 1.2 =2.061938 but cannot be measured this precisely on this drawing. Clearly it is very close.

The overall purpose of the Callanish Stones appears to be to warn those who dig into the design enough to find perhaps a coming calamity, or even an apocalypse. The stones above on circles whose centers are marching towards the center of mankind seem to represent asteroids which are much more orderly in their movement than comets.  The diagram below seems to indicate a reference to the action of comets which would come close to the sun and thereby pass near Mercury; hence the reason for the blue triangle using Mercury astronomy references.
The Issue of Comets

The circle in black below was created using the three upper stones where the angle is marked 26.0506629.  One should then note that three other events are captured on the same circle, in particular the green central circle created from the three curved surfaces in the “mankind shape” in the central stones.

The radius of the black dashed circle is 143.747 feet and the cosine of 26.0506629 times 160 is 143.745. The perimeter of this circle is 143.747 x 2 x pi = 903.18904 and that perimeter taken to the 3/2 power and divided by pi = 8640.0869 or 1/10th 86,400, the number of hours in an earth day. This development now links measurements to time and a future date can be calculated as to when a potential comet may strike or come really dangerously close to earth.

The earth orbital basis was defined arbitrarily for the year 1900 AD at 31,556,925.9747 seconds based on 86,400 seconds per rotation. In a period of 10,000 years from 1900AD the tropical year will go from 365.2421988 days to 365.24159706 days. By developing a synthetic increase in the number of seconds per day, the number of days in a year decreases. The number 86,400.869 may indicate a time some 60,000 years into the future.  But the precision of the current measurements could likely be radically improved by a more precise analysis.

One should not discount the fact that three point definition of a circle leads to six points occurring on the circle. This is highly indicative of a well-conceived and executed design and construction. The shape of the figure in the central area does seem to represent the shape of a humanoid figure and there are three curved surfaces sufficient to define three other circles in blue. The centers of those circles were used to set the green circle as a more or less average central point.

One should note the eastward blue line that connects the large central stone on the left of center, the central green circle and a third stone due east of the central area. All of these contributing factors suggest complex design intent.


The overall conclusion must be that there is a very complex and serious design to the Callanish Stone layout. At first glance, everybody would be in awe of the massive effort required to pack and place these huge stones. The complexity of the layout is simply beyond most people’s expertise to comprehend even after having it explained in the terms of this report.

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© Copyright 2017

Jim Branson, Retired Engineering Mgr, knowhow at ctcweb dot net

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